Sunday 12th March free route «Life in the world of salt»

Free route «Life in the world of salt». Sunday 12th March

Description: After visiting the Visitors Centre “Las Salinas”, the route runs through part of the Regional Park, along path which cross the saltwater until the pine forest Coterillo.

Participation is free of charge and walkers are recommended to bring comfortable clothes and footwear, sunscreen, cap, snack food, water and binoculars to observe the birdlife in the area. Prior registration is essential as places are limited. Booking through the web site of Murcia Turistica in this link.

The Tourist Offfice will confirm your participation as soon as possible

Start: 11 am, at the visitor centre “Las Salinas” (next to roundabout at the entrance to the Regional Park) Duration: 2 hours Distance: 2 km

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